Your Angel Guidance, Monday 12th – Sunday 18th November 2018

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance, Monday 12th – Sunday 18th November 2018

“Manifesting the life of your dreams is easier than you think. In truth, it is all about what you think! You think you are a limited person in a body with limitations, living a limited life. You have forgotten who you are, and that’s part of the game of remembering. Each time you remember, just a little bit who you really are, a window of opportunity opens up. Are you going to choose option A which is to keep going the way you always have, or are you going to choose option B which is the unknown but always exciting and expansive?

“Most of the time you choose option A, the known, and you continue to live a limited life, not because you want to but because you are afraid of the unknown. Each time you get to choose, we are beside you urging you to choose something different, something which may seem uncertain but in reality is bringing you closer to the truth of who you really are. Each time you make the brave decision to choose the unknown, you open up a powerful window of opportunity to manifest something new in your life. Because when you keep choosing certainty, you keep getting the certainty that you are used to… nothing changes.

“Manifesting is all about choosing differently. Choosing different thoughts, different feelings, different decisions, different behaviour. And not just any thoughts or feelings, but those which feel good. Choosing to feel grateful for your beautiful child, even though they may be having a “tantrum”, choosing to feel peace even though your colleagues are panicking, choosing to feel love even though someone is shouting angrily at you. It isn’t easy but it is possible to start choosing differently and to always choose to feel good in the moment despite what is going on around you. You have control, you have the power of choice and with this you have the power to create the life you desire. In each moment you choose love over fear, you win and we rejoice!”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra, an Author, Healer & Speaker & I teach spiritual empowerment for women. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset. Ready to become the masterful creator of your life?  Learn More Here.


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