Your Angel Guidance, Monday 13th – Sunday 19th May 2019

Angel guidance

Your Angel Guidance, Monday 13th – Sunday 19th May 2019

“Connect back in with the source of who you are. Connect with the everlasting part of you, the unchanging aspect of you that is now, and always will be perfect. You have forgotten this part of you. It seems unreal, but we assure you, it is very real. It is the majority part of you. Your physical body is only a fragment of who you really are.

“We want you to start remembering this aspect, your eternal being-ness. This is who you really are. You are not bound by time or space. You are not confined to this physical realm. You are eternal, unbounded spirit.

“You have an awareness of what “spirit” is, but you don’t really understand it’s nature. From your perspective it’s impossible to understand, but that was part of the “deal” when you cam into this physical life. You don’t need a full understanding, just a taste of your true self.

“Begin to sense the infinite nature of You. Begin to connect with this aspect of You who you have forgotten. Try to understand the vastness of your being-ness.

“You will not grasp it fully. You will not even begin to grasp the fullness of who you are, but if you have a tiny awareness, you will be forever changed. Nurture that awareness, let it grow within you, let it change you.

“There is nothing to fear. You are right where you need to be. We are here with you as always. Remember this.”

Who Am I?

I’m Sandra Rea, an Author, Healer & Speaker, and I teach spiritual empowerment for women. Host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family. I help you to create a life more extraordinary through meditation, manifestation and mastering your mindset.

Want to connect with your Guardian Angel so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance? Enjoy this free video training where you get to meet your Guardian Angel.  

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