You’re Being Called To Live Your Purpose

I feel so inspired by this lovely lady who has the courage to live her purpose and express her unique gifts while also helping others. Eileen Ainglin is an extraordinary soul, an Author, Angelic energy artist, energy healing master, intuitive life coach and founder of The Path of The White Rose, Creator of the White Rose Ascension Healing System and creator of Archangel Empowerment Meditations, Affirmations and invocations.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Eileen to discover more about her fascinating story. Eileen shares:

  • How she came to connect with the Angels through a near death experience as a toddler.
  • How she discovered her creative gift of Angelic energy art despite never going to art school.
  • How she receives inspiration for her art plus her exact creative process which she calls “Divinity on Canvas”.
  • Eileen shares how others can open up to their creative gifts.
  • The reason she created the Archangel Empowerment Meditations and their benefits.
  • And she also shares her connection with NASA!

If you are hiding your gifts or believe that you have nothing to share with the world you will be inspired to go out and do what you love. Eileen is a wonderful example of someone who believes in what she has to share with the world and knows that her gifts can help to make a difference. She felt called to be of service, a call so strong it is the driving force behind everything she does.

If you’ve been feeling that call to live your purpose, knowing there is more to life and you have more to offer, know that this call is real, there is a reason for it and you must answer that call.

Eileen says “that’s what your soul wants, it’s here to serve.” And the way in which you are being called to serve is indicated to you through your true hearts desires. You get to do what you love while helping others and in return you step into your power, and you experience fulfilment, prosperity, joy and everything begins to “click” into place. You get to have those aha moments, doing what you love and living life to the full.

When we see others sharing their gifts and living their purpose it inspires us to step up and to stop playing small. The world doesn’t need more Solicitors or Accountants, it needs people to step outside their comfort zone, and have the courage to say “I’m an artist” or “I’m a writer” or “I’m a mother” or whatever else it is they are being called to do. And have the courage to go do that.

Watch today’s video and get ready to feel inspired.


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