Medical Study Finds Reiki Benefits Cancer Patients

Reiki Benefits CancerInsightful research into the benefits of Reiki treatment for those suffering from Cancer has recently been conducted by the University of Huddersfield. While the benefits speak for themselves for those who have experienced Reiki healing, it is great to see the medical field is finding evidence of the benefits of Reiki treatment in its research. A recent article published by Medical News Today states that –

“Reiki can improve the quality of life for cancer patients by lowering their levels of anxiety, depression and fatigue.”

Reiki healing induces deep relaxation, reduces stress and worry and is known to be effective in treating physical illnesses as well as emotional and mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Given that Reiki heals the source of the issue and not just the symptoms, Cancer sufferers receiving Reiki healing as a complementary therapy to medical treatment, can finally begin to heal from within.

Read the full article here to find out more about the study and the findings released.

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