Stay Deep in Presence, Even Around Other People

Stay Deep in Presence, Even Around Other People

During meditation, you may find yourself entering a state of deep peace and relaxed awareness. However, once you step out into the world and interact with others, that sense of calm can quickly fade.

In this video, I’ll share two practical tips to help you maintain that inner tranquility even beyond your meditation practice.


Thank You for Being Here…

I’m Sandra Rea, an author, healer & spiritual teacher.

I help empaths get crystal clear guidance from the Angels each day so they can stop doubting their direction and start trusting they are guided and taken care of.

I’m the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and Founder of the Fiercely Spiritual Family.

Download this free guided meditation to experience a powerful energy purification and psychic activation so you will be able to connect with your Angels and spirit guides, awaken your psychic powers and receive messages and guidance.

You can click here to download now

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