October Energy – Embrace Your Shadow And Your Light | Astrology, Numerology, Angel Cards & Guidance

October Energy – Embrace Your Shadow And Your Light | Astrology, Numerology, Angel Cards & Guidance Discover the profound wisdom of embracing both your shadow … Read the rest

September Energy – Unlock The Power Of Now

September Energy – Unlock The Power Of Now Welcome to the September energy update where we’ll delve into the realms of astrology, spirituality, and personal … Read the rest

Expand Your Consciousness – August Energy, Astrology, Numerology & Angel Cards

Expand Your Consciousness – August Energy, Astrology, Numerology & Angel Cards   August has SO much coming up energetically! We have TWO Super Full Moons, … Read the rest

Turning Towards Abundance and Intuition | Numerology, Astrology, and Solstice Energies

Turning Towards Abundance and Intuition | Numerology, Astrology, and Solstice Energies In this video we explore the significance of the midpoint, the solstice, and the … Read the rest

March Astrology & Energy – Huge Shifts Coming

March Astrology & Energy – Huge Shifts Coming In this podcast episode, you’ll discover the powerful energies and themes that will be present throughout the … Read the rest

The Unexpected Energy Shifts Coming in 2023: Empaths Are You Ready?

The Unexpected Energy Shifts Coming in 2023: Empaths Are You Ready? Are you ready for a deep dive into the energy of 2023 and the … Read the rest

Huge Lionsgate Portal – Here’s What To Expect…

Huge Lionsgate Portal – Here’s What To Expect… Coming up on the 8th August we have a huge Lionsgate portal. What does this mean and … Read the rest

November Angel Reading

November Angel Reading Welcome November! After the shifts and energy October brought, November is bringing a welcome change. November is an 11 month which is … Read the rest

October Angel Reading

October Angel Reading There is so much happening in October I don’t quite know where to start! It’s going to be a month of spiritual … Read the rest

August Angel Reading

August Angel Reading August is going to be a hugely significant month. With the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd, Lionsgate portal on the … Read the rest