Once upon a time, if you were sick, you went to the Doctor, got a prescription and went home to bed, hoping the drugs would take effect sooner or later. A few days in bed and you were back to yourself, only to be struck by the same illness weeks later, only this time it has come back worse than before. Sound familiar? Is this something you have done or are still doing? Or are you one of the thousands of people who are taking back their power and seeking alternative and complementary therapies?
Why are so many people now turning to wellness practices such as Meditation, Reiki, Angel Healing, Homeopathy, naturopathy and a host of other treatments which at one time were deemed to be “woo woo”? It’s simple, people are tired of being sick, of suffering from depression, acute pain, chronic anxiety and stress. It has to stop. Traditional medicine has offered us wonderful treatments, cures and options but it has also failed in part by not treating people holistically, mis-diagnosing and over prescribing. GPs are more often than not just treating the symptoms rather than treating the source of the patient’s condition. When a condition is ongoing, is not improving and there seems to be no cure, something has to give.
What’s the Alternative?
Complementary therapies offer a more holistic approach, treating the individual and the source of their symptoms rather than just the symptoms themselves. From my own point of view, I know that when I treat someone with Reiki or Angel healing, the energy works by treating the source of their condition. This way the root of the problem is healed which results in long term, lasting effects.
Only recently a client who had received one Reiki healing with me came back for a second treatment. She reported that a long term constant dull ache in her lower back which had plagued her for years had disappeared. She had failed to notice for a few days that the pain had gone until she realised that she wasn’t holding her back anymore and noticed the pain had gone away once and for all.
It seems almost too good to be true, but when the source of the condition is healed, the condition goes away. If we view pain from the perspective of energy, repressed emotions can be stored in the body as “heavy” energy which disrupts the natural flow of energy through the body. When an energy meridian becomes blocked, the flow of energy is stifled which can lead to pain or abnormalities such as growths or tumors. Once this “heavy” energy is released, the flow is restored and the body can heal itself. Our bodies are intelligent and can do the work that is needed to self heal, once we allow it. If we are holding onto repressed emotions, stress, anxiety, worry, sadness, depression and so forth, we are preventing the body from functioning at its optimal frequency. Constant stress and worry is the causing the immune system to lower which results in so many conditions which seem to be “just a cold’ or back pain or chronic fatigue, when all this can be avoided.
Taking Back Our Power
It’s time to make a choice. Do we continue on the way we have been, experiencing daily stress and anxiety, or do we decide to change? Are we prepared to settle for a lack of health and well being or can we choose health, energy and vitality? The answer is simple, we always have a choice and even though we may feel subjected to daily stress and anxiety, quite often we are in the habit of feeling this way. We can create a new habit of happiness, calm and positivity.
If you are looking to change your life (if you are reading this, then clearly you have already made that choice), help is at hand. Seek out a meditation class, treat yourself to a Reiki healing, find a local Homeopath who can offer help. You don’t have to suffer in silence. We are all here to help each other and if we can help each other to live lives of greater ease and joy, then we must do that.
My greatest joy is in hearing my clients tell me about their positive healing experiences or their wonderful meditation journey and of the positive turn their lives have taken. Making that decision to receive help, taking that one small courageous step is often all it takes.
How have you benefited from receiving a complementary therapy? Let me know YOUR experience. Have you toyed with the idea of Reiki healing or some other therapy but hesitate to try it? Share your story in the comments below!
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